OIVS Verification
With the new Insurance law, there are a few changes to be aware of in the application. First, the DL number and expiration are required for all names in the 'Customer' tab. If the DL is an Alabama license, it will validate through the AL-Verify system online. If it is from another state (or is not verified by the AL-Verify system) you must scan the identification. (Note - If your county is not equipped with scanners, this step is not required) If the vehicle's title doesn't match the names in the 'Customer' tab, then the vehicle is incorrectly grouped and should be moved to the proper groups before proceeding. 
Next, the software will attempt to validate the customer's NAIC/Policy information automatically using the State's OIVS system. There are four available options for policy types. - Personal - Policy selection for residential customers
- Commercial - Policy selection for commercial customers
- Exempt - used for exempt vehicles (i.e. Utility Trailers), exempt customers, or FLEET customers
- Other - Policy selection for self-insured customers
In the event a vehicle should be Exempt from the insurance requirement (Utility Trailers, etc.) the Policy Type should be changed to "(E) Exempt" and the requirement to input NAIC/Policy number will be waived. 
If the Insurance company confirms the insurance is valid, a Green Thumbs-Up will show (see below) and no further action is necessary. Based on estimates from the State, around 70% of your county's registrants should have their information pre-loaded with valid insurance information. Changing any of the insurance information (or clicking the thumb icon) will initiate another request for validation from OIVS. 
If the OIVS system returns a "UnConfirmed Reponse" (see below) you will need to manually verify the registrant has insurance on the vehicle. This will be done by viewing proof in the form of an insurance card, etc. Once you are satisfied with the proof, you should click "Insurance Manually Verified" check box at the top of the screen. If your county is equipped with document scanners, you will also be required to scan the proof into the system. 
The most common reason for an "UnConfirmed" response will be that the Insurer isn't participating in the OIVS system yet. The State anticipates this number to continue to decrease, but these policies will all have to be manually verified until OIVS has 100% participation from all Insurers. These types of "UnConfirmed" responses will be denoted by the error message "System cannot locate NAIC" and will have to be manually verified. See the example below. 
**NOTE: Other "UnConfirmed" responses can be due to data entry errors, VIN mis-matches, etc. You should carefully verify that all of the data entered is correct before using the "Insurance Manually Verified" check box since all of the registrations that are marked as "Manually Verified" will receive a follow-up post card from the State to check for valid insurance.**